Monday, March 23, 2009

Birthday Month

A great big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our two favorite March birthdays. March always turns into "Birthday Month" at the Pollock house (and this year is no different). Holden's birthday was on March 21st and Ryann's is the 23rd.
The birthday parties started early with Grandma Peg and Grandpa Garn taking the birthday kids out for an early birthday dinner at the first of the month. A week later Auntie Edee sent gifts from Missouri. Follow all of this up with a snowboarding trip for Holden and a shopping trip for Ryann, not to mention the party at Grandma Nana's and Grandpa Ed's (special b-day plates and all). The partying will finally end with Holden's 8th b-day party at Chuck E. Cheese.
Ryann was two days shy of two years when Holden was born. She called him "dady J" (short for "Baby" James). They have been best of friends ever since. Their favorite thing is to be silly together and to call themselves "dumb" and "dumber" (and fight over who gets to be "dumber").


peggyp said...

AHHHHHHHHHHH RyPie, and Holdie J 2 of my favorite people!!!!!!!!

Libby said...

Happy Birthday! Did you make those cupcakes? If so-very professional! If not-still cute and probably delicious. I don't think I realized that they were so close in age. That's really sweet. Love you Ryann and Holden!!

edee sweeney said...

Oh, Happy Birthdays! March is a great birthday month. Love the pics! Holden snowboarding looks like a little Jeff! When did Ryann get glasses!?!