Thursday, August 13, 2009

A Summer Full of Fun! (All in one post!)

So . . . summers always seem to fly by. Here are the top 10 Pollock Family Summer Adventures:
(Click on the pictures for a clearer shot, I seemed to be having technical difficulties when uploading the pictures.)

1. I spent a few days pretending I could camp. Yes, I was the Stake Camp Director and No, camp was not held at a Marriott. It was fun to get to go to Girl's Camp with Abbie.

2. KLEYN '09! Watch out Island Park, here comes the Kleyn family. Yes, all 26 (13 adults & 13 kids) members of the Kleyn family went to the cabin. Highlights included: Rock Band concerts, tie-dying T-shirts, crafts, hiking Coffeepot, getting eaten alive by mosquitoes at Big Springs, and being able to play with the cousins (Devan, Nate, Gerrit, Preston, Anders, Parker, Alex, Catherine & Levi). As you can see we are a little boy heavy. *Grandma Nana even got all of us to go to church with her on Sunday. Thanks Mom for keeping us spiritual.

3. "Man" weekend at City of Rocks. Jeff and Holden decided that the boys needed to get away from the girls, so they spent a weekend with friends hiking and rock climbing at City of Rocks, Idaho.

4. Abbie's Birthday! Abbie is now officially a teenager. Yup, the big 13.

5. The Rodeo Rocks! What could be better than watching guys jump on a big, angry animal and try to hang on for 8 seconds? Thanks to Grandpa Ed we had the perfect seats right over the shoots. We also got to hang out with the ever cute Levi and his fun parents Pete and Libby.

6. July 24th = Pollock Family Fun. The Pollock clan always gathers for the 24th, not only to celebrate the pioneers, but to celebrate the birthday of Abbie, Jenna, and Johnna. This year we went to the Bountiful 24th parade, and thanks to Grandpa Garn, had the sweet spots in the shade. Jeff's brother Jason and his family came out from California to join in the festivities. The highlight of the parade was seeing the float Grandpa built. (And also the bagpipers ... if only there would have been a bit more wind.)

7. Aquarium Adventures! We had a fun time visiting the aquarium with the Pollock family. We love all of our cousins (Dawson, Mason, Peyton, Molly, Matt, Johnna, & Taylor) Petting the sting rays was a favorite.

8. Look Who's TWO! Lia turned 2 on August 1st while we were at the cabin. She really was the princess that day. She is so fun and has quite the spunky personality. We also took a trip into Yellowstone and made it up to the north entrance to see the Roosevelt Arch.

9. Going to the Zoo! Jeff officially turned 40 on August 7th, so we took him to the zoo for his birthday. Shouldn't all 40 year olds get to celebrate at the zoo? It was a great day that ended with a trip to Jeff's favorite restaurant "Ruth's Diner", which just happens to be past the zoo up Emmigration Canyon.

10. Bonneville Class of 1989 (RULES!). Yes, it has been 20 years. I can't wait to catch up with friends. Woot, Woot . . . check out that great yearbook picture. (Really nice fluffy permed hair.)

Monday, June 15, 2009

Countdown to 40!

We are on the countdown to Jeff's 40th birthday in August! To start off this grand occasion, Jeff and I decided to take a little vacation for two. (Thanks to Grandma Nana, Grandpa Ed, and Shenelle for keeping the kiddos)

As part of this celebration I decided Jeff needed something to help with any mid-life crisis that might soon occur, so. . . off we went to Sun Valley in a convertible mustang. Yes, it did rain for most of the weekend, but any chance we could the top came down. (The top of the car, silly people.)

We spent an awesome weekend eating great food, staying in the wonderful, chocolate on your pillow, Sun Valley Lodge, seeing two movies, listening to great music at the acoustic festival, going for drives, fishing, and reading. We had such a fun time pretending it was just the two of us (secretly we did miss our kids and saved them the chocolates from our pillows.)

Jeff might not feel so cool now that he is back to driving a mini-van, but he will always be cool to me.

The kids were also sad to see the car go back. There 30 minute ride around the neighborhood was enough to get them hooked.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

It's Great to Be 8!

Yesterday was a great day for Holden, he was baptized. It was such a fun day. Thanks to all of the family and friends who attended. It really meant a lot to Holden. He is such a cute, fun boy. His teasing personality and sincere love of life really makes our family better. We love you Holden!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Birthday Month

A great big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our two favorite March birthdays. March always turns into "Birthday Month" at the Pollock house (and this year is no different). Holden's birthday was on March 21st and Ryann's is the 23rd.
The birthday parties started early with Grandma Peg and Grandpa Garn taking the birthday kids out for an early birthday dinner at the first of the month. A week later Auntie Edee sent gifts from Missouri. Follow all of this up with a snowboarding trip for Holden and a shopping trip for Ryann, not to mention the party at Grandma Nana's and Grandpa Ed's (special b-day plates and all). The partying will finally end with Holden's 8th b-day party at Chuck E. Cheese.
Ryann was two days shy of two years when Holden was born. She called him "dady J" (short for "Baby" James). They have been best of friends ever since. Their favorite thing is to be silly together and to call themselves "dumb" and "dumber" (and fight over who gets to be "dumber").

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Soccer hiatus!

So, I know this is not the blog anyone wants to read, but . . . I just thought our soccer game needed to be documented. First, who knew they let the loser team in the playoffs. Second, I scored a goal. Third, I got a really big raspberry on my knee when I gracefully fell over the ball. And finally, WE WON THE GAME!!!!! **It was a our first win. Sadly, we are going to take a break until fall. So perhaps, if there are any readers left on my blog, I will now have time to actually put up things you really want to look at.