Sunday, October 12, 2008


Taggin' It Up Rules

1: Each player starts with 8 random habits/facts about themselves.
2: People who are tagged need to write a post on their blog about their eight things and post these rules.
3: At the end of the post you need to choose 8 people to get tagged and list their names.

Here goes:

1- I have to park in the same parking space at every store I go to! (This causes a little martial strife when Jeff forgets this quirk.)

2- I talk to myself! (Especially when trying to solve the problems of the world.)

3- I am the queen of receipts! (I am sure I have gotten rid of clothing or shoes, but the receipt is still in my possession.)

4- I do not like my food to touch on a plate . . . then when eating my food I will eat all of one thing before moving on to another. (Is there any other way to eat?)

5- I have smelling issues! (When Jeff sneezes I can smell his insides. I also find myself holding my breath when walking past people so that I won't smell them. On the bright side, I love certain smells also. Such as Gma & Gpa Sparrow's house, Libby and Pete's house and my pillow. Yes, I can tell the difference between Jeff's pillow and mine. No, Jeff doesn't stink, my pillow just smells better.)

6- I have very real dreams! (I often wake Jeff up to kill evil spiders or to help me find something I am sure is lost.)

7- I absolutely hate dentists! (I could give birth 20 times, but please don't make me go to the dentist.)

8- I like cleaning bathrooms and I clean them in a particular order! (I figure if my butt has to sit on it then it's got to be clean.)

I didn't know I had this many quirks until Jeff started pointing all of them out. (Thanks Honey!) It's a good thing I get to stop at 8.

So . . . Edee, Libby, and anyone else who might stoop to reading my lame blog, this tag is for you!


Jed and Rebecca said...

HA HA!! I laughed at your post! It's funny the things that are 'normal' to us are 'quirky; to others!

Jpollock said...

Does a little bit of pee come out when he sneezes? If so I have some products I can send for Christmas.